vineri, 13 iulie 2012

Accommodate me , please

If any of you have ever moved or switched houses, (or even if you haven't, you can still imagine) you should be fairly familiar with the hustle and bustle of a move. I have never been in this position - I've lived with my parents all my life and we only moved once, twelve years ago, to a bigger apartment, but I was six years old so I don't really remember the details. Now, not only am I moving to a different house, I'm moving to a different house in another country. Cue endless searches for the perfect place to live, countless e-mails to far too patient sales people and the dreadful decision making process, based on other people's opinions and the oh-so-accurate website pictures. Thank God for the World Wide Web, I'm just saying.

As the fairly organized, well-documented, not-wanting-to-leave-everything-for-the-last-moment freak that I am, I began browsing the Internet for proper accommodation last October, immediately after sending out my UCAS application. I know, don't count your chickens before they're hatched, but you can still do a little mental count, hypothetically. Anyway, after tormenting my poor Google Chrome with thousands of open tabs ( mind you, he didn't collapse once) and some very helpful people in the UK (that have put up with my endless questioning) , I settled on a central Bristol accommodation, in the 'heart of the city', as it was convenient both price-wise and distance-wise. I read all the terms and conditions stipulated on the website, about paying a deposit and the possibility of paying rent in installments, as that was the ideal (and pretty much only) payment method for me.

Despite my precocious search, I could not 'seal the deal' until mid July, which is when my exam results were coming in, because who knew what might've happened to me and the Universe on the day of my exams that could've prohibited me from getting the required grade. Exam results came in on July 8th  - all had gone well. After the well-deserved celebrations ( that got me sunburnt like a sausage in a frying pan - oh , how I love 40 degrees Celsius weather), I procedeed to clarify a few remaining doubts with the accommodation people , before paying my deposit and breathing in relief. Although their website clearly stated the possibility of a 8-10 installment plan, I thought (probably enlightened by a divine power) about asking them again ( who thought stressing people out with questions might come in handy? ) . Imagine the utter shock and disbelief on my face when I found out International students were only entitled to a maximum of two installments. Two questions squirmed in my head : 1. Why hadn't I asked sooner? and 2. Why don't these people specify the differences between UK students and International students, if they are bound to differentiate the two categories? This happened yesterday at noon and ever since I've been frantically looking for another accommodation, in the second phase of my alarmed, stressed and panic-y process. 

Fortunately, I found rather quickly a suitable alternative , kind of a back-up plan I had a while ago ; I had considered this other option for some time, but due to other factors I chose the first one, trying to convince myself that it'd work better and there was not much difference. I'm seeing things clearly now - there is a HUGE quality difference. I don't know if it's been brought to my attention in light of the recent events or I finally opened my eyes and decided to stop fooling myself. Bottom line is that I am now considering a hundred percent this second option and if all goes smoothly, the next time you hear from me, I would have already signed the tenancy agreement and bought myself a plane ticket.

Can you see the name of my blog reflecting in my post already? I'm telling you, serendipity works in mysterious ways.

PS: Header photo credit goes to Wikipedia, it's the view of Bristol's skyline. Kind of cheesy , you might think, but I quite like that picture and until I can master some Photoshop header of my own, this'll keep my lonely title some company.

joi, 12 iulie 2012


Well, hello there, non-existent readers. As you can see, this is my first ever blog and blog post. I've read and followed blogs 'from a shadow' for a long time, but I haven't had the time or guts , I assume, to make one of my own. Fast forward to today, and I've decided to give it a shot, what's the worst that could happen ?
In my head, this blog would be about the student life, moving to a different country, university, food, style etc. Oh and also, to explain the name of the blog, the word 'serendipity' fascinates me, because it expresses something that happens to me quite frequently and also , there's no Romanian equivalent for it.

Here's some  fun  facts about me:
My name is not actually Madison ; that's a translation into English of my Romanian name ( Mădălina) , because foreign people find it hard to pronounce those weird sounds with the symbols above;
I've lived in Romania all my life (being born here) , but I've decided to move to the United Kingdom , Bristol more specifically, to study a degree in Journalism and Public Relations;
I've graduated from a Humanistic course in high-school , I took the Romanian equivalent of A-Levels/SAT/Selectividad (that's about it regarding my knowledge of foreign examinations) in Romanian Language and Literature, History and Geography ;
I have a passion for foreign languages, I've only studied Spanish and English (obviously) until now, but I'd love to learn Italian and Portuguese ;
I'm a big book,music and movie lover and also I like to write sometimes in my spare time, I've entered some short-stories competitions up until now;
I dream everyday of being a magazine journalist , that lives in New York City and makes a difference in the world with her writing ( I know - too much Sex and the City-esque fantasies in my head ) ;

..and that's about it for now, I'll try to update frequently and write interesting things, my life is pretty fast-paced right now since I'm trying to put everything in order before my big move in September.